Friday, August 8, 2008

Well, I guess you want to know a little about me. I'm April and I am thirty something, I really want to say I am twenty something - but I can't. I am thirty - there I said it. I thought I was going to have to join a support group, "Hi, I'm April ---and I'm THIRTY!" gasps and shrieks! Well, let's just say it was hard. I have one smart, beautiful, healthy daughter - Emma Paige aka Paige or Little Emmer when she is bad. She is five going on 16. She is extremely active. That is another support group I am going to join - 30 year old mothers with active 5 year olds that can't keep up. I am married to a wonderful guy named Jeremy. I have been in love with this man since I was 17 years old. He thinks I was 16 when I fell in love with him, so don't tell him it didn't happen until I was 17. Hygiene pays the bills and I do enjoy it, but I really would love to say screw the bills and food and house and just be a photographer.

I live in North Louisiana (FYI - it's pronounced Loo-see-anna in North LA). You only pronounce it the correct way if you are talking to a non-resident. We don't' want to seem to hickish to those around us. If you don't know- in North LA it is so scorching hot in August that hydrants fight over dogs! I love living here. I am proud of my Louisiana heritage. I know we are at the bottom of lots of lists (or top just depending what list you are looking at) and I really think we get a bad rep for very few people that do really dumb things. I mean I would really hate to know people judged me based on my family - because they are somewhat different, yeah different, that is how I'll describe them. We'll get into that later. But, Louisiana is pretty good - it's got one of the richest histories of any other state. So, I hope you like this blog site. I hope to give you a slice of my pretty much uneventful life and a few pics. Just know that I don't know what I am doing and that I hope to make you smile at least one time.

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