I decided that since sometimes facebook only allows a mere 420 characters on a status update and I have a ton more to say I would try to blog about Heath's recovery. I will try to blog the good and the bad. It's going to be hard. Telling someone that pain is going to be inevitable is so hard. When you see someone hurt - someone that you love - it's agonizing. I'm gonna try to blog with a little humor mixed in so that maybe I will laugh through the tears. Lord knows I have shed the tears. I will sometimes have to give ya'll a vocabulary lesson so that you will be able to understand these posts. Just for example : booter - another name for behind, butt, booty. So when I say "Heath was burned on his booter", you will understand what I mean. Usually these slang term came from our kids, but sadly some were coined by full blown adults. Just in case you are wondering Paige came up with booter on her own.
So back to Heath- today is a full dressing change under general anesthesia. What the wonderful doctors and nurses do is go in and unwrap all of Heath's bandages and take off all the dressings underneath. Just to give you a visual - he sorta looks like Michelin Man wrapped from chest down to his legs. After they get him unwrapped, they look at the 3rd degree burns to make sure no infection has set in and then check to see that the 2nd degree burns are healing up nicely. What they do at this point makes my stomach do a little flip - they "scrub" - (their word not mine) all the dead skin off so that new skin can start to grow. Today they will also evaluate the hands and make sure that skin grafts are taking. I think they are also going to make sure he doesn't have any bottlecaps in his hands too. This is a frequent question asked to us by Heath, for some reason he is convinced he is holding bottlecaps. We don't want to lie to the boy so we are going to get on that little mystery. After this little ordeal, comes the pain and fever. We just sit by him and assure him it will pass. Then, we pray that it will.
Til Tomorrow!
Glad you have started this blog. It gives us a more specific way to pray. All I know to say is Love You & praying for you all.