Wednesday, September 22, 2010

I saw God today

Colby is our cousin.  His dad and my mom are brother and sister.  ColbyLou (that's what we call him) has been at the hospital each and every day.  He was the first one at the hospital waiting on us that first horrible day.  He waits quietly in the hall at night as Casey and Heath spend the last few minutes together and then walks her to her truck.  Its nothing that we've asked him to do - he just does it.  He looks up to Heath.  He always has.  Heath has been sort of a hero to Colby.  When your hero hurts, you hurt.  Colby also possesses a strong family trait.  The "passing out" gene.  When he sees blood, thinks about blood, or hears blood he will pass out.  When he was a little kid, he was taking care of business - the kind that requires the bathroom- and he was playing with a paper clip.  A paper clip he wasn't supposed to have.  As he was playing with it, he somehow stuck it underneath his fingernail.  It went it just far enough underneath there to hurt and draw some blood.  Now, remember he's in the bathroom, with the door locked.  After hearing a THUD my grandmother rushes to the door and finds it locked.  She finally gets the door unlocked and finds a naked little boy that has fallen off the commode and hit his head. Why do little boys have to use the bathroom naked? It's a mystery to me. Anyway, apparently he had seen the tiny bit of blood from underneath his fingernail and passed smooth out, hitting his head on the way down.  Of course he gets it honest.  Our grandfather (Henry P) is the worst passer outer there is.  The best story is the knife story.  My grandmother was holding something between her hands and Henry P was going to cut it.  Well, they got to arguing about which way to cut whatever it was they were cutting and the knife slipped and he cut my Mawmaw pretty deep.  Blood was going everywhere and they decided she needed stitches.  She wraps a towel around her bleeding arm and they jump into the car and speed off towards the emergency room.  As they were driving, Henry P starts to feel FAINT from the sight of her bleeding arm - the arm he cut.  He has to pull over and let her drive herself to the ER, while he put the air conditioner on high and tried not to pass out. 

Blood doesn't bother me and it apparently doesn't bother many people in this area.  Life Share came back to this area for a second time this week for a replenishment drive for Heath. The doors weren't even opened at 4 o'clock and there were 10 people lined up to have a needle stuck into their arm and blood sucked out- voluntarily.  At one point 25 people were waiting in line. Men, women, old, and young were there. Horse trailers and big trucks lined the parking lot.  All of these people took time from their busy lives and came to do a very inconvenient thing.  Giving a part of yourself is not easy and all these people did it willingly.  The fact that blood is our life source and flows from our heart is so symbolic to me.  This is a gift from the heart.  Not only does this help Heath, but it will help others in need of this precious substance. The people there were not only helping Heath, they were glorifying God. God has been so close to this whole situation, he even came to the blood drive today.  I watched as He led 50 + people to give this precious gift to Heath.  The fact is our prayers are being answered every single day.  Heath has been burned everywhere except his neck, groin and ankles.  And most of those burns are 3rd degree burns.  Almost all 3rd degree burns need skin grafts.  But each time they evaluate to see what needs to be grafted it gets less and less! Skin is growing!!! The doctors are amazed at his progress.  We know what has carried him through out this whole ordeal.  Heath is doing things sooner than they have expected because of the extent of his burns.  How can a man be able to walk and talk and laugh after being burned so thoroughly? Today, we found out that the cultured skin that has been growing for about 3 weeks is so abundant that they have more than enough to cover his arms.  They were worried that they would barely even have enough. Doctors, nurses and therapists are amazed.  We have a list of "thank you Gods" since the very beginning.  Nothing - I mean nothing- has been a coincidence.  It's been God's hand and His will that has taken us this far.  God has sent everyone at the perfect time.  He knew what we needed before we did.  From the minute this happened people have been praying.  I am watching a miracle unfold before my eyes.  The doctors told us from day one the best thing that Heath had going for him was that he was young and healthy.  I hate to say Dr. Sittig is wrong about anything, but that is the second best thing Heath has going for him.   I saw God today.  He sat beside a lady in a chair who didn't know Heath, and really didn't know us and watched her as she gave blood which was exactly what He led her to do. Ya'll are so precious to me.  Ya'll are so precious to Heath.  He knows every effort that is being done on his behalf.  Every single time we tell him all tears flow freely down his face - tears of joy and emotion.

* A very special to Linda Lynd & LeAnn Hernsberger who organized the Springhill Blood Drive and also Kaycee Nehls who coordinated the Sarepta one.  If you see these ladies give them a great big hug! Thank you girls! We love you!*

'Til Tomorrow


  1. Oh girl you did it again...I've had my daily dose of tears...Thank you...You are so right, God is the best thing Heath has going for him and then the loving, praying family, friends and strangers. Thank you God for April to express the honor and glory You deserve.

  2. I had to pull over to read this as tears of joy streamed down my face. Amazing A! "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" With God Team Heath will win this battle!

  3. Oh my here I go again! Tears! God IS Good all the time! Just know that we are all praying for Heath and the rest of ya'll daily and we love Heath to pieces.

  4. Thanks again April for a wonderful, loving update. We all need to give God the praise.

  5. What a testimony, isn't it amazing how such a tragedy can bring you so close to God. So close you can almost feel his hand physically touching you or his breath breathing life and hope and a promise for tomorrow into your weak and hopeless heart and body. I know this power because I have experienced it personally. I lost a baby, Mollie Isabelle and know without a doubt God brought her and took her little life to touch mine and to feel his absolute moving spirit. I had lost all joy and perspective in my life but somehow this tragedy brought me back to life. I will never take for granted another breath, another second of my life or my children's.

    When I'm low in spirit I cry Lord lift me up
    I want to go higher with Thee
    But the Lord knows I can't live on a mountain
    So He picked out a valley for me

    He leads my beside still waters
    Somewhere in the valley below
    He draws me aside to be tested and tried
    But in the valley He restoreth my soul

    It's dark as a dungeon and the sun seldom shine
    And I question Lord why must this be
    But He tells me there's strength in my sorrow
    And there's victory in trials for me

    He leads my beside still waters
    Somewhere in the valley below
    He draws me aside to be tested and tried
    But in the valley He restoreth my soul.

    Before such a tragedy you think you know love, you think you know joy, and you think you have felt God's moving spirit. Well welcome to God's beautiful, breathtaking, majestic and humbling spirit. You my sweet friends have truly been touched by the hand of God. Much love and thanks for you have witnessed that our God still performs miracles.

  6. April,
    It is so wonderful to see you and your family giving God the glory through all of this. You have been able to see what so many others would have missed. That God does work in mysterious ways and that He does have something wonderful planned to come out of this tragedy. I know one thing is this blog. This is going to be so prescious to Heath and the rest of your family and also help so many other families who will go through this same situation.
    Keep writing. Keep praying. Keep seeing God!
    Ya'll are on our minds and hearts always.

  7. Your post are amazing. I admire you and pray for you. I fully understand when you say that you are watching a miracle unfold before your very eyes. My mom was diagnoised Oct.15,2009 with pancreatic world was turned upside down. Quickly I remember that God was on my side and nothing was gonna happen without God's approval. I too, have also watched a miracle unfold before my very eyes. I love to share her story and tell people that the last 11months of my life have been such a blessing...God has showed up time and time again. My mama is doing good.."thank you God"
    I continue to pray for you.

  8. Prophet Muhammad Saved a Catholic Girl tour

    Inspirited speaker needs job… This newspaper has been a huge read of mine since 1995. Love the sophisticated Vocabulary of this newspaper vs. the other newspapers. To choose a tabloid to candidly tell my real life near death incident would not be tough.
    To start with it was June of 2006. I was in my bathtub in Rhode Island and, wanted to cut myself to death. The philosophy about it made me feel happy, freedom from the world and, also an association to my deceased friends/ family. As I shut my eyes my D.M.T. spirit molecule tap with an Arab looking man with Muhammad slashed on his chest. God sent me Muhammad (hmmm spirit guide)? The Prophet told me using white single pearls only not words- not to do it. The pearls spelled out “Jesus and Muhammad Loves you, do not do it”. I opened my eyes fast and, Got out of the tub saying Thank-you –God… A changed woman I am today 2011 from 2006... I can still live my dreams – Vice President to Sarah Palin or Hillary Clinton (yes, I am an I-RI. voter). Also, PH.D degree and, tour with the dahlia-lama… As of 2006, I have been a serious Roman Catholic then before. The only question I have is (Why are the 03 religions with one God always in battle)? To answer that to the best of my ability would be this as the Judaism, Christianity, and Islam with one God we need to be together more than ever. The 3 religions feel as if God is father and, each religion has to fight for dads approve. The case is we –all people (religious or not) have Gods approve. We are all made in God’s image and, approved by God if we like it or not.—Leslie Araujo --LARAUJOL@YAHOO.COM
